WWE Hall Of Famer Mark Henry Explains Why ‘It Hurts’ To Watch Pro Wrestling

WWE Hall of Famer Mark Henry has commented on why it pains him to watch wrestling at the moment. On a recent edition of “Six Feet Under with Mark Calaway,” Henry described the continuous attention to detail in regard to storytelling there needs to be in wrestling, and how he’s noticed that there’s a lack of suspended disbelief when it comes to watching many wrestlers perform today. 


“I watch it and it hurts. The number one thing that people don’t do in wrestling is the struggle. I was taught the struggle in wrestling… I know what’s going to happen with most matches because they don’t disguise it, they don’t allow you to go into a blind belief, a suspended belief to where you don’t see it. I should be able to pick up every human in the ring but there’s a time when you’re not supposed to. So now I got to, you know, go punch at somebody and hit the pole and now my hand hurt and I now I try to pick him, I can’t pick him up; it’s the storytelling of where you go in match.” 

Henry continued to explain that he believes simple elements such as using arm wrestling to tell a story between two competitors has become a lost art in the ring. These days, Henry gets a lot of joy out of teaching, so perhaps he’ll be able to get more modern wrestlers to adapt to his advice. That said, Henry’s AEW contract status is currently up in the air, so his coaching days with that promotion could be coming to an end.


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