WWE Releases Gable Steveson

WWE Releases Gable Steveson-Ezekiel Balogun.
-Julian Baldi.
-Trey Bearhill.
-Emmamaria Diaz
-Valentina Feroz.
-Drew Gulak.
-Keyshawn Leflore,
-Darrell Mason.
-Vlad Pavlenko.
-Kiyah Saint.

Dave Meltzer first reported that the Olympic gold medalist was among the names. Steveson signed a multi-year contract with WWE in 2021.

WWE had plans for him to be featured on Raw after WrestleMania 38, with Triple H pushing to wrestle Stevson at the show before having medical issues. Steveson also underwent a heart procedure.

Steveson had been looking to return to amateur wrestling and potentially compete in the 2024 Olympics, but that was nixed. He has worked a handful of live events in NXT and dark matches at SmackDown events, but his only TV match was a no-contest with Baron Corbin at an NXT PLE last year.

Steveson hasn’t wrestled since the February 9th SmackDown. 

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